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Tips to Get Rid of Depression & Anxiety – Herb Supplements That Can Help


Depression is common in almost everyone in the world. Nearly 7% of American adults have depression each year. It is a medical condition that affects moods and the ability of the brain to function correctly. It’s a severe disorder and can be life-threatening as it can lead to


Depression and anxiety are both significant issues for the human body and should be treated thoroughly to allow the body to function well. Both disorders can cause difficulty in eating, sleeping, daily activities, moods, and emotional feelings. To cure depression, some people opt for herbal treatment to avoid the problems caused by side effects, while some

want quick relief hence opting for medications. 

Depression and anxiety, if not treated, can lead to significant turbulences. It can get worse and cause severe consequences like self-harm or even death. However, doctors and the health industry have found cures for depression and anxiety in herbal and allopathic treatments. 

What Depressive disorders can be treated by herb supplements?

There are many kinds of depression. Around 1 in 6 adults in the United States have faced depression at least once in their lifetime. There are no particular causes of depression and anxiety. Depression is caused by the following possibilities;

  • Brain chemical imbalance.
  • Genetics
  • Traumatic life incidents. 
  • Medical Side-effects

Moreover, there are many types of depression, and almost all of them can be treated with herbal supplements. The types of depression include:

  • Major Depressive Disorders
  • Bipolar depression
  • Perinatal and postpartum depression
  • Persistent depressive disorder
  • Premenstrual dysphoric disorder
  • Psychotic depression

Herbs that are used for making depressive supplements:

Many herbs have been favorable to reducing depression and anxiety symptoms and curing severe levels of these disorders too. However, some amongst many are also widely used as a vital ingredient to many medicines that treat depression and anxiety of different types and levels. 

  • Black cohosh
  • Chamomile
  • Chaste berry
  • Lavender
  • Rhodiola Rosea
  • Saffron
  • Passionflower
  • St. John’s wort (not used anymore for treating depression)

The Most Effective Herbal supplements for depression:

Rhodiola Rosea

As a Supplement, Rhodiola has proven to cure various health issues. One of the cures found in Rhodiola is its anti-depressant characteristic. This herb is effective for stress response as well as for depression symptoms. The herb helps with depression by reducing the overactivity in the HPA axis, receptors, and networks in brain functions. It’s an expensive option but has proven to cure depression. Although, as per research, Rhodiola is   comparatively less effective than a depression medication. But, it also has fewer side effects than those caused by an anti-depressant. It is found that consuming Rhodiola for six to twelve weeks can significantly decrease depressive symptoms.  


Saffron is common in households. Apart from being expensive, Saffron has been recorded to boost mood and control serotonin in the brain. Saffron is a spice that, during research Saffron may inhibit serotonin reuptake, thereby keeping it in the brain longer. 

However, in 2019 it was finally found that Saffron is a powerful herb that cures and treats depression. While on another end, a person reviewed that consuming Saffron as medicine gives the same effect as anti-depressing supplements and treats depression symptoms. 

Egyptian Black Seed Oil with Elderberry Syrup:

Of the eight countries producing Black seeds, Egypt ranks second behind Ethiopia in overall seed quality and potency. Egyptian Black Seed oil shares the same medicinal properties as its Ethiopian counterpart: immune stimulant, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-ulcerative, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-tumorous (cancerous), antipyretic, hypoglycemic, immunomodulatory, anti-hypertensive, anti-depressant, anti-spasmodic, hepatic protective, anti-parasitic, etc.

Ethiopian Black Seed Oil with Yemeni Sidr Dhoany Honey:

Experts have found that the best Nigella sativa plants come from Ethiopia, providing the most prosperous and potent Nigella seeds. Thus, producing the highest quality black seed oil.  

Benefits of Sidr Honey:

Combining Ethiopian Black Seed Oil and Yemeni Sidr Honey creates a powerful medicinal holistic healing agent. Yemeni Sidr Dhoany honey is good for cough, colds, sinuses, ulcers, digestive aid, acid reflux, immunity booster, and high cholesterol, and it can also be used to fight cancer. Yemeni Sidr Dhoany honey has impressive antibacterial therapeutic effects when used in a minimal amount. 

Hypericum Perforatum:

This is a plant also known as St. John’s wort. It has been commonly used to treat mental health issues for years now. It is even more effectual than Placebo when it comes to treating moderate-level depressive symptoms and also has the same effect as most anti-depression medications. Later on, students in their research found that not just St. John’s wort could also treat severe depression. For this reason, St. John is not advised to be used for depression cure, nor moderate, not extreme. Still, consumers are advised to take caution before consuming it because St. John’s wort does not show consistent results for everyone. Moreover, it is recommended to discontinue medications while consuming this herb for depression because it can interfere with the effects caused by anti-depression drugs and make the symptom worse. 


Lavandula Angustifolia, also known as Lavenders, is no less than a blessing. Not only is it a beautiful color, but it is also very beneficial for treating depression and anxiety. It is a stress relief and works to activate central oxytocin neurons. Doctors and psychiatrists recommend using lavender essential oils in bedrooms to improve sleep quality, remove depressive symptoms and calm you down while curing anxiety and mood disturbances.

Inhaling lavender is most commonly used to treat postpartum depression. It’s a relaxing herb and anti-infectious herb. Not just as medicine but also used in inhalation therapies that help the brain function, calm down, and reduce stress. 


These herbs are safe to use and are as helpful and active at treating depressive and anxiety symptoms as the medications prescribed by the doctor. Each herb mentioned here is tested by certified doctors and is used worldwide as an ingredient in herbal supplements that you can find from various manufacturers. In this world of uncertainty and fraud, the most reliable brand to get organic and authentic herbal supplement capsules and oils at Khepric.

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